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Voter Registration
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Police Chief
Elected Officials
Police Chief is on the Web!
Chief William Gormanns has started his own web site as an avenue of communcation with the residents and businesses of the community. Visit this new site and drop him a line.
Borough Seeks Members for Advisory Committee on Disabled Services
The Borough Council is accepting applications to become a member of the advisory committee on disabled services. If interested, send a letter and resume to the Fair Lawn Municipal Building, Office of the Borough Clerk, 8-01 Fair Lawn Avenue, Fair Lawn, N.J. 07410.
Garage Sale Sign Ordinance
If you want to advertise your garage sale there are many ways to do so. You can use Cablevision's "Swap 'n Shop" on cable TV, advertise in the Shopper, or post a sign on your lawn to name a few. However, the law prohibits mounting signs on trees, lampposts, or bus shelters. In addition to being eyesores, these signs can do damage. Illegally posting signs could result in a $500 fine.
The responsibility for governing Fair Lawn rests with the Borough Council, who are elected officials. A Council person's term is four years. The election is staggered so that in one year, two members are elected, and then two years later, 3 members are elected.
There are five Council members in total. The Mayor is elected by the Borough Council from one of their own number. The Mayor remains a Council member and votes and participates as the other members do, although he has additional responsibilities. The current Mayor is Joseph Tedeschi.
Borough Council Public meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month, except in July and August, at 7:30 PM in Borough Hall located at 8-01 Fair Lawn Ave. Residents of Fair Lawn can attend and speak at these meetings. Its a good idea to call (796-1700) ahead of time to verify these times if you are going to attend the meetings. Feel free to check our calendar for the next meeting.
Who can register?
Registration is available for U.S. citizens who are (a) 18 years of age by election day and (b)have been residing in Bergen County for 30 days prior to the day of election.
How do I register?
You may register in person at the Municipal Clerk's Office, the County Board of Elections, Motor Vehicles or Welfare Offices or by mail on the forms obtained from the Municipal Clerk or the Commissioner of Registration. If you are physically handicapped, call the office of the Superintendent of Elections at 646-3176.
When can I register?
You may register at anytime of the year during office hours. You must register at least thirty days prior to the election day to be eligible to vote in that election. The Municipal Clerk's office is open Monday-Friday between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 PM. On the last day to register, the Municipal Clerk's Office is open from 8:30 am to 9:00 PM.
The League of Women Voters of New Jersey provides answers to frequently asked questions about voting in New Jersey.
Fair Lawn Borough Officials
Edward Trawinski - Mayor
Bonnie Taplits - Deputy Mayor
Florence Dobrow - Council
John Keith - Council
Joseph Tedeschi - Council
Bertrand N. Kendall - Borough Manager
State Elected Officials
- Senator: Henry P. McNamara, Republican
- P.O. Box 68, Wyckoff, NJ 07481 (201) 848-9600
- Assemblyman: Nicholas R. Felice, Republican
- 4-02 Fair Lawn Ave., Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 (201) 796-3636
- Assemblyman: David C. Russo, Republican
- 22 Paterson Ave., Midland Park, NJ 07432 (201) 444-9719
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Last updated on 08 Jan 1997 09:28:53 -0500