Magic Stream
A Journal of Emotional Wellness:

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Internet 1996 World Exposition Magic Stream is a literary e-zine and mental health resource. This Special Edition was edited for inclusion in the archives of the Internet 1996 World Exposition. It features writing, art and references from past and present issues of the Magic Stream.

The focus of Magic Stream is on personal growth and the universal in human emotion. Emotional fitness is approached in much the same manner as physical fitness. There are numerous references to self-help, mental health and wellness resources. The philosophy being, we do what we can to take care of our self, make our self stronger, accept our self as we are, and seek help when it is needed.

A Magic Stream Journal

The e'zine, is a forum for sharing and healing through creative writing in poetry, story, essay/personal experience and reader inspired research.

Web Dex:

The Web Dex contains articles, brochures, self-help essays, as well as extensive references to outside internet resources. Topics covered include addictions, depression, therapy, self-help and much more.

Suicide Intervention:

Intervention strategies for yourself and those you care about.

The Magic Stream

A fairy tale - how this page began. This is the Magic Stream vision of possibilities the Internet has for the future.

Reaching out for Peace on Earth

Reaching out for Peace on Earth

Mail Box Things That Make You Feel Good - a guest book.

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Dedicated to all those travelers
who share in the one journey
that can never be made alone

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Writers and Artists
With special thanks to the many fine
writers, artists and counseling professionals
whose work appears in this and every edition

Thank you to many folks, from many parts of the globe.

This Special Edition of Magic Stream
was archived on February 21, 1997
as a permanent record of Magic Stream's participation in the
1996 Internet World Exposition
The site is as it was that day and will not be updated.
The original Magic Stream can be visited at

As a final note I would like to dedicate this edition
to my husband Phil,
without whom none of my internet adventures
would have taken place.
Thank you Phil.
With love, Regina
Copyright © 1996 Regina P. Garson