[Wind surfing]
Wind surfing
Wind surfing, the flower of water sports, was introduced to Korea during the late 1970's. The 1988 Seoul Olympics
made it a popular sport. It is a rapidly spreading sport.
(Place to enjoy)
The Han River is the best place to enjoy wind surfing. As well as An San Lack, Chung Joo Lack, and Chung Pyung Lack are well known places. If you want to enjoy wind surfing on the sea, I would like to introduce you to Soo Young Man - Pusan, Gu Jae Island, Youe Chun - Chung Nam, Mok Po, Man Ri Po - Chung Nam, Dae Chun, An Myun Island, and Ham Duck Island.
Tel) Wind surfing (02) 458 - 5073
Sea Men (02) 454 - 9358