Curios Collection

Curio is something that is scarce and therefore of high value. It is a good things to collect Korean old art objects in order to preserve our own culture. There are some good places to go to, if you want to enjoy some traditional Korean arts.

( Places to visit )
Gae Mi Market
Kwang Joo City.
In Sa Dong

Soo Sock Collection

Soo Sock is a fine small stone. This stone symbolizes unification between nature and humans.

Mountain Climbing

This is maybe the most popular hobby among Koreans. It can be explained through the fact that about 70 % of the Korean terrain consists of mountains.

Oriental Orchid

The oriental orchid grows mainly in Korea, China, and Japan. It is distinguished from western orchids by its tiny flowers and strong smell. This is also popular as a gift for friends and lovers.

Site Links

  • Oriental Orchid

  • Acupuncture

    Good health is a very important issue for modern Koreans. Acupuncture is a very popular medical treatment for Koreans.

    Site Links

  • Acupuncture