


Welcome to the wwwVOice Feedback pavilion
O P I N I O N  P O L L

         The poll consist of three questions, and a suggestion box.
         This is an anonymous survey and the results are free for
         all to view. The theme is "The Future of the Internet".

First question
            With Shockwave, Java and the coming of VRML do you feel...
            The web will be a better place.
            I like the web the way it is.
            I'm not sure maybe better.
            I'm not sure maybe worse.

Second question
            Do you feel that corporations...
            Are the only things that belong on the Internet.
            Do not belong on the Internet.
            Are not a problem either way on the Internet.

Last question
            Will the Internet be as popular as television?
            More Popular.
            Probably not but close.

Suggest a question (optional)
           Your suggestions may appear on future polls,
           or they may be asked at wwwVOice. This is an
           anonymous survey so if you would like your name
           included with the question, be sure to enter it here.



1996 Internet world expo Pavilion

Opinion Poll Answers
1893 World's Columbian Exposition
1933 Chicago World's Fair
1939 New York Worlds Fair
1996 Internet World Exposition

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Feedback at wwwVOice [Questions] [Answers] [Mail]

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Site Design 1996 Erich Voice