The Symphonies
- Symphony No. 1 in C Major, Op. 21
- Symphony No. 2 in D Major, Op. 36
- Symphony No. 3 in E-Flat Major, "Eroica", Op. 55
- Symphony No. 4 in B-Flat Major, Op. 60
- Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67
- Symphony No. 6 in F Major, "Pastorale", Op. 68
- Symphony No. 7 in A Major, Op. 92
- Symphony No. 8 in F Major, Op. 93
- Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, Op. 125
Other Orchestral Music
- Overture to Collin's Tragedy Coriolan, Op.62
- "Wellingtons Seig, Oder Die Schlacht Bei Vittoria" (Wellingtons Victory, or The Battle Of
Vittoria), Op. 91
- Overture in C Major, Op. 115
- Overture in C Major. "Die Weihe Des Hauses" (The Consecration of the House), Op. 124
- Twelve Minuets/Twelve German Dances
- Twelve Contradances
- Eleven Viennese Dances
- Allegretto in E-Flat, "Gratulations - Menuet"
- Pieces for Military Band
The Concertos
- Piano Concerto No. 1 in C Major, Op. 15
- Piano Concerto No. 2 in B-Flat Major, Op. 19
- Piano Concerto No. 3 in C Minor, Op. 37
- Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Major, Op. 58
- Piano Concerto No. 5 in E-Flat Major, "Emperor", Op. 73
- Concerto for Violin in D Major, Op. 61
- Concerto for Piano, Violin, and Violoncello with Orchestra, Op. 56
Other Works For Solo Instruments with Orchestra
- Romanza for Violin and Orchestra in G Major, Op. 40
- Romanza for Violin and Orchestra in F Major, Op. 50
- Rondo in B-Flat Major for Piano and Orchestra, (w/o Op. #)
Music For the Stage
- Fidelio, Opera In Two Acts, Op. 72
- Egmont, Incidental Music To Goethe's Tragedy, Op. 84
- Die Ruinen Von Athen, Incidental Music To A Play ("Nachspiel") By August Von Kotzebue,
Op. 113
- "Konig Stephan, Oder Ungarns Erster Wohltater" (King Stephan, Or Hungary's First
Benefactor), Incidental Music To A Play ("Vorspiel") By August Von Kotzebue, Op. 117
- Die Geschopfe Des Prometheus (The Creations of Prometheus) Ballet, Op. 43
- RitterBallet
- Triumph-Marsch in C Major for Kuffner's Tragedy, "Tarpeja"
- Germania's Wiedergeburt (Germania's Rebirth), Final Chorus From Treitschke's Play "Gute
Nachricht" (Good Tidings)
- "Es Ist Vollbracht" (It is Fulfilled), Final Chorus from Treitschke's Plat "Die Ehrenpforten"
(The Triumphalarch)
- Music To Friedrich Duncker's Drama Leonore Prohaska
- Chorus For The Festival Play, Die Weihe Des Hauses
Choral Works
- Missa Solemnis in D Major for Orchestra, Chorus And Four Solo Voices, Op. 123
- Fantasy in C Minor for Pianoforte, Chorus And Orchestra, Op. 80
- Christus Am Oelberge (Christ on the Mount of Olives), Oratorio For Three Solo Voices,
Chorus, And Orchestra, Op. 85
- Mass in C Major, For Four Solo Voices, Chorus And Orchestra, Op. 86
- Elegischer Gesang (Elegiac Song) For Four Voices, With String Quartet, Op. 118
- Opferlied (Song of Sacrifice) For Soprano With Chorus And Orchestra, Op. 121B
- Bundeslied (Song of Fellowship) For Two Solo Voices, Chorus And Wind Instruments, Op.
- Der Glorreiche Augenblick (The Glorious Occasion), Cantata For Four Solo Voices, Chorus
And Orchestra, Op. 136
- Cantata On The Death Of Kaiser Joseph II (1790)
- Cantata On The Coronation Of Leopold II (1790)
- "Gesang Der Monche" (Song Of The Monks) From Schiller's Wilhelm Tell, For Three Men's
Works For Individual Voices With Orchestra
- Scene And Aria, "Ah! Perfido" For Soprano With Orchestra, Op. 65
- "Meeresstille Und Gluckliche Fahrt" (Calm Sea And Prosperous Voyage), For Four Voices
With Orchestra, Op. 112
- Trio, "Tremate, Empi, Tremate", For Soprano, Tenor And Bass With Orchestra, Op. 116
- Two Airs For Bass And Orchestra Prufung Des Kussens, Mit Madeln Sich Vertragen
- Two Airs For Voice And Orchestra From Umlauf's Die Schone Schusterin
- Auf Die Verbundeten Furstin (Text by C. Bernard), Chorus And Orchestra
- Opferlied (Text By Matthison), For Three Solo Voices, Chorus, And Small Orchestra
Folk Song Arrangements
- Twenty-Five Scottish Songs, Op. 108
- Twenty-Five Irish Songs
- Twenty Irish Songs
- Twelve Irish Songs
- Twenty-Six Welsh Songs
- Twelve Scottish Songs
- Twelve Folk Songs Of Various Nations
The Songs With Pianoforte
- An Die Hoffnung (To Hope), Op. 32, From Tiedge's Urania
- Adelaide, Op. 46, Poem By Matthison
- Six Songs, Op. 48, From Gellert
- Eight Songs, Op. 52
- Six Songs, Op. 75
- Four Ariettas And A Duet, Op. 82
- Three Songs, Op. 83, From Goethe
- Das Gluck Der Freundschaft (The Joy Of Friendship), Op. 88, From Loschenkohl
- An Die Hoffnung (To Hope), Op. 94, From Tiedge's Urania
- An Die Ferne Geliebte (To The Distant Beloved), op. 98, Song Cycle, From A. Jeitteles
- Der Mann Von Wort (The Man Of his Word), Op. 99, From F. A. Kleinschmid
- Merkenstein, Op. 100, For Two Voices, From J. B. Rupprecht
- Der Kuss (The Kiss), Arietta, Op. 128, From C. F. Weiss
- Schilderung Eines Madchens (Portrait Of A Maiden)
- An Einen Saugling (To An Infant) From Wirths
- Der Freie Mann (The Free Man) From G. C. Pfeffel
- Opferlied (Sacrificial Song) From Matthison
- Abschiedsgesang An Wien's Burger (Parting Song Of The Citizens Of Vienna) From
- Kriegslied Der Oesterreicher (Austrian War Song), With Chorus, From Friedelberg
- Zartliche Liebe (Tender Love) From Herrosen
- La Partenza (The Farewell) From Metastasio
- Der Wachtelschlag (The Call Of The Quail) From S. F. Sauter
- Als Die Geliebte Sich Trennen Wollte (When Lovers Part)
- In Questa Tomba Oscura (In This Dark Tomb) From G. Carpani
- Andenken (Remembrance) From Matthison
- Sehnsucht (Longing) From Goethe
- Lied Aus Der Ferne (Song From A Distance) From C. L. Reissig
- Der Jungling In Der Fremde (The Youth In A Strange Land) From C. L. Reissig
- An Die Geliebte (To The Beloved) From J. L. Stoll
- Der Bardengeist (The Spirit Bard) From F. R. Herrmann
- Des Kriegers Abschied (The Warrior's Farewell) From C. L. Reissig
- Sehnsucht (Longing) From C. L. Reissig
- Das Geheimnis (The Secret) From Wessenberg
- Ruf Vom Berge (Call From The Mountain) From Treitschke
- So Oder So (This Way Or That) From Carl Lappe
- Resignation, From Paul Graf Von Haugwitz
- Abendlied Unter'm Gestirnten Himmel (Evening Song Beneath The Starry Heavens) From
Heinrich Goeble
- Seufzer Eines Ungeliebten Und Gegenliebe (Desponding And Responsive Love) From G. A.
- Gedenke Mein! (Think Of Me!)
The String Quartets
- Six String Quartets, Op. 18
- String Quartet in F Major, Op. 18, No. 1
- String Quartet in G Major, Op. 18, No. 2
- String Quartet in D Major, Op. 18, No. 3
- String Quartet in C Minor, Op. 18, No. 4
- String Quartet in A Major, Op. 18, No. 5
- String Quartet in B-Flat Major, Op. 18, No. 6
- Three String Quartets, Op. 59
- String Quartet (No. 7) in F Major, Op. 59, No.1
- String Quartet (No. 8) in E Minor, Op. 59, No.2
- String Quartet (No. 9) in C Major, Op. 59, No.3
- String Quartet (No. 10) in E-Flat Major, "Harp", Op. 74
- String Quartet (No. 11) in F Minor, Op. 95, (Quartet Serioso)
- String Quartet (No. 12) in E-Flat Major, Op. 127
- String Quartet (No. 13) in B-Flat Major, Op. 130
- Grosse Fugue For String Quartet in B-Flat Major, Op. 133
- String Quartet (No. 14) in C-Sharp Minor, Op. 131
- String Quartet (No. 15) in A Minor, Op. 132
- String Quartet (No. 16) in F Major, Op. 135
The Violin Sonatas
- Three Sonatas (Nos. 1,2,3) in D Major, A Major, and E-Flat Major, Op. 12
- Sonata in A Minor (No. 4), Op. 23
- Sonata in F Major (No.5), Op. 24
- Three Sonatas (Nos. 6,7,8) in A Major, C Minor, and G Majort, Op. 30
- Sonata in A Major, Op. 30, No. 1
- Sonata in C Minor, Op. 30, No. 2
- Sonata in G Major, Op. 30, No. 3
- Sonata in A Major (No. 9), Op. 47
- Sonata in G Major (No. 10), Op. 96
The Violoncello Sonatas
- Two Sonatas (Nos. 1 & 2) in F Major and G Minor, Op. 5
- Sonata in A Major (No. 3), Op. 69
- Two Sonatas (Nos. 4 & 5) in C Major and D Major, Op. 102
The Trios
- Three Piano Trios in E-Flat Major, G Major, and C Minor, Op. 1
- Two Piano Trios (Nos. 4 & 5) in D Major and E-Flat Major, Op. 70
- Piano Trio in B-Flat Major (No. 6), "Archduke", Op. 97
- Piano Trio in E-Flat
- Piano Trio in B-Flat
Chamber Music For Various Combinations
- Duos
- Sonata For Piano And French Horn in F Major, Op. 17
- Twelve Variations For Violin And Piano, On The Air "Se Vuol Ballare" From Mozart's "The
Marriage Of Figaro"
- Rondo in G, For Violin And Piano
- Six German Dances, For Violin And Piano
- Twelve Varitations For Piano And Violoncello, On A Theme From Mozart's The Magic
Flute, Op. 66
- Twelve Variations For Piano And Violoncello, On A Theme From Handel's Judas
- Seven Variations Fro Piano And Violoncello, On A Theme From Mozart's The Magic Flute
- Three Duos For Clarinet And Bassoon
- Trios
- String Trio in E-Flat, Op. 3
- Serenade For Violin, Viola, And Violoncello, in D Major, Op. 8
- Three String Trios in G Major, D Major, and C Minor, Op. 9
- Trio For Piano, Clarinet, or Violin, and Cioloncello, in B-Flat Major, Op. 11
- Serenade For Flute, Violin, and Viola, in D Major, Op. 25
- Trio For Piano, Clarinet or Violin, and Violoncello, in E-Flat Major, Op. 38
- Fourteen Variations For Piano, Violin, and Violoncello, in E Major, Op. 44
- Trio For Two Oboes and English Horn, in C Major, Op. 87
- Variation in G Major, For Piano, Violin, and Violoncello, Op. 121A
- Quartets
- Three Quartets For Piano and Strings, in E-Flat Major, D Major, and C Major
- Three Equali For Four Trombones, in D Minor, D Major, and B Major
- Quintets
- Quintet For Two Violins, Two Violas, and Violoncello, in E-Flat Major, Op. 4
- Quintet For Piano, Oboe, Clarinet, Horn, and Bassoon, in E-Flat Major, Op. 16
- Quintet For Strings in C Minor, Op. 104
- Fugue For String Quintet, Two Violins, Two Violas, and Violoncello, in D Major, Op. 137
- Sextets
- Sextet For Two Clarinets, Two Horns and Two Bassoons, in E-Flat Major, Op. 71
- Sextet For Two Violins, Viola, Violoncello and Two Horns Obbligati, in E-Flat Major, Op.
- Septet
- Septet in E-Flat Major, For Violin, Viola, Horn, Clarinet, Bassoon, Violoncello, and Double
Bass, Op. 20
- Octets
- Octet For Two Oboes, Two Clarinets, Two Horns and Two Bassoons, in E-Flat Major, Op.
- Rondino in E-Flat Major, For Two Oboes, Two Clarinets, Two Horns and Two Bassoons
- Misc
- Quintet in C Major, For Two Violins, Two Violas and Cello, Op. 29
- Six Landler For Two Violins And Bass
- March For Two Clarinets, Two Horns, And Two Bassoons
- Trio For Clavier, Flute and Bassoon
- Sonatina For Mandolin With Piano
- Adagio For Mandolin With Paino
The Pianoforte Sonatas
- Three Sonatas (Nos. 1,2,3), in F Minor, A Major, and C Major, Op. 2
- Sonata in E-Flat (No. 4), Op. 7
- Three Sonatas (Nos. 5,6,7), in C Minor, F Major, and D Major, Op. 10
- Sonata in C Minor (No. 8), "Pathetique", Op. 13
- Two Sonatas (Nos. 9 & 10), in E Major and G Major, Op. 14
- Sonata in B-Flat Major (No. 11), Op. 22
- Sonata in A-Flat Major (No. 12), Op. 26
- Two Sonatas (Nos. 13 & 14("Moonlight")), in E-Flat Major and C-Sharp Minor, "Quasi Una
Fantasia", Op.
- Sonata in D Major (No. 15), Op. 28
- Three Sonatas (Nos. 16,17,18), in G Major, D Minor, and E-Flat Major, Op. 31
- Sonata in G Major, Op. 31, No. 1
- Sonata in D Minor, Op. 31, No. 2
- Sonata in E-Flat Major, Op. 31, No. 3
- Two Easy Sonatas (Nos. 19 & 20), in G Minor and G Major, Op. 49
- Sonata in C Major (No. 21), Op. 53, "Aurora" or "Waldstein"
- Sonata in F Major (No. 22), Op. 54
- Sonata in F Minor (No. 23), Op. 57, "Appassionata"
- Sonata in F-Sharp Major (No. 24), Op. 78
- Sonatine in G Major (No. 25), Op. 79
- Sonata in E-Flat (No. 26), Op. 81A, "Les Adieux" or "Lebewohl"
- Sonata in E Minor (No. 27), Op. 90
- Piano Sonata in A Major (No. 28), Op. 101
- Piano Sonata in B-Flat Major (No. 29), "Grosse Sonate Fur Das Hammer-Klavier", Op. 106
- Piano Sonata in E-Major (No. 30), Op. 109
- Piano Sonata in A-Flat Major (No. 31), Op. 110
- Piano Sonata in C Minor (No. 32), Op. 111
- Three Sonatas, in E-Flat Major, F Minor, and D Major
- Easy Sonata in C Major, Fragmentary
The Variations
- Six Variations on an Original Theme, in F Major, Op. 34
- Fifteen Variations, in E-Flat Major, On A Theme From The Ballet Die Geschopfe Des
Prometheus, Op. 35
- Six Variations in D Major, On The March Form Die Ruinen Von Athen, Op. 76
- Six Themes With Variations, Op. 105
- Ten Themes With Variations, Op. 107
- Thirty-Three Variations, in C Major, On A Waltz By A. Diabelli, Op. 120
- Nine Variations in A Major, On A Theme Of Paisiello (From "Die Schone Mullerin)
- Six Variations in G Major, On A Theme Of Paisiello (From "Die Schone Mullerin)
- Twelve Variations in C Major, On A Minuet From The Ballet "Le Nozze Disturbate" By J. J.
- Twelve Variations in A Major, On The Russian Dance From The Ballet "Das Waldmadchen"
By Paul Wranitzky
- Six Easy Variations in C Major, On A Theme From The Opera "Richard Lowenherz" By
- Ten Variations in B-Flat Major, On A Theme From The Opera "Falstaff" By Antonio Salieri
- Seven Variations in F Major, On A Theme From The Opera "Das Unterbrochene Opferfest"
By Paul Winter
- Eight Variations in F Major, On A Theme From The Opera "Soliman II" By F. X. Sussmayr
- Six Easy Variations in G Major, On An Original Theme
- Seven Variations in C Major, On The Folk Song "God Save The King"
- Five Variatons in D Major, On The Folk Song "Rule Britannia"
- Thirty-Two Variations in C Minor
- Eight Variations in B-Flat Major, On The Song "Ich Hab Ein Kleines Huttchen Nur"
Works For Piano Solo
- Seven Bagatelles, Op. 33
- Two Preludes, Through The Twelve Major Keys, Op. 39
- Two Rondos, in C Major and G Major, Op. 51
- Fantasy in G Minor, Op. 77
- Polonaise in C Major, Op. 89
- Twelve New Bagatelles, Op. 119
- Six Bagatelles, Op. 126
- Rondo A Capriccio in G Major, Op. 129
- Rondo in A Major
- Six Minuets
- Seven "Landlerische Tanze"
- Six "Landlerische Tanze"
- Andante in F Major
- Minuet in E-Flat Major
- Praeludium in F Minor
- Deutscher Tanz (Allemande), in G Major
- Kleines Stuck in B-Flat Major, "Little Piece"
- Letzter Gedanke in C Major, Last Thought"
- Klavierstuck in A Minor, "Fur Elise"
Piano Works For Four Hands
- Sonata in D Major, Op. 6
- Three Marches, in C Major, E-Flat Major, and D Major, Op. 45
- Variations in C Major, On A Theme Of Count Waldstein
- Six Variations in D Major, On The Air "Ich Denke Dein"
[Magnum Opus]