This Web site is a kind of unique online encyclopaedia. It contains comprehensive
information about Ludwig van Beethoven, on of the greatest composers in human history,
and his works. Textual resources are accompanied with different multi-media includes
such as Real Audio 3.0 sound clips, MIDI music clips, pictures, etc. It also
features different interactive activities using Java and CGI.
Different pages can be accessed through the images on the sides of this page.
You can answer both e-mail form and JavaScript quizes, vote for your favourite
pieces of music, hear a weekly updated Magnum Opus and many other things
you can do...This site is best viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 and
Netscape Navigator 3.0 and your computer should be equipped with a sound card
(Creative AWE 32 is mostly recommended).
The following topics are included to Multimedia Beethoven by now:

[Other Works]
or you can view the complete list of Beethoven's
[Magnum Opus]
