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The Multimedia Beethoven is the unique Internet-based online
encyclopaedia about Beethoven's greatest works - his symphonies. The
textual information in the encyclopaedia is accompanied with audio
fragments from the most famous parts of Beethoven's symphonies and
colourful pictures.
The Multimedia Beethoven is viewed best with Netscape Navigator 3.0 with
800x600 resolution (large fonts) and the best fonts sets are Arial
size 9 or Times New Roman size 10. The Microsoft Internet
Explorer 3.0 is also good enough for viewing these pages. The best fonts
set is smallest fonts. To hear the audio fragments you should
have the Real Audio plug-in.
The Beethoven's Quiz page enables you to answer the questions and submit
them by e-mail. The reply with the checked and marked quiz will be sent
as soon as possible. Another JavaScript Quiz is also available. Any new
questions ideas for the quiz are appreciated
Links page provides a large list of other Web sites about Beethoven,
his symphonies and classical music in general.
Download page enables you to download large audio files with Beethoven's
records and other resources from different sites in the Internet. The
largest files are more than 10 MB sized!
I also fulfil any request for high-quality audio recordings from any
part of any Beethoven's symphony. Please inform me from which symphony
and movement do you wish to record the audio clip (please try to inform
me about the accurate location) and its approximate size, sampling rate
and other parameters. The file will be recorded as soon as possible and
sent by e-mail.
To order the audio recording, please contact to the following e-mail
address: broncom@netvision.net.il
As the author of this Encyclopaedia I'll appreciate any feedback from
Alex Bronshtein.
[Magnum Opus]