Kyoto Pavilion Structure
The Kyoto Pavilion is created by everyone.
All kinds of information pertaining to Kyoto, under various themes, can be displayed by anyone.
The following is a brief introduction to what the Kyoto Pavilion is made up of, as of July 12, 1996, and what plans for its future hold.
What's "in season" at the Kyoto Pavilion? Visit here to view the latest updates, seasonal tidbits, as well as Hi-Band Internet projects.
How to participate
Inform us of all kinds of Kyoto-related news. We will link it to any homepages that have "Kyoto today" as their theme.
Amazing experimental projects are planned, using an optical fiber communications network (Hi-Band) that is 200 times faster than a public analog (normal telephone) circuit, handling 6 MB every second!
Live coverage of festivals, concert broadcasts ŽÑ these are just a couple of the Hi-Band Internet projects that we've got in store for you. Check out the future look of the Net at various hands-on Hi-Band spots which have been set up throughout Kyoto City and Kyoto Prefecture.
*Not all information will be viewable at your home.
How to participate
Visit any of three (as of July 12) of the experimental high-speed circuit testing facilities located in Kyoto City and Kyoto Prefecture.
There you enjoy wonderful audios and visual that can't be seen at your home.
Also scheduled in the latter half of the project is advanced conferencing and computer link-ups between two experimental sites.
Wanted! Visual and audio material concerning Kyoto: scenery, sounds, festivals, events, arts, traditional crafts ŽÑ things which capture the essence of Japanese culture.
Material assembled here can be downloaded as high-resolution data for use in your own pages!
How to participate
Your work will be registered in the Kyoto Pavilion LIBRARY. And you are free to use the other works in the LIBRARY. For details, refer to the entry procedures.
A trip down memory lane via a compilation of ads and commercials set in Kyoto , as well as ads and commercials created by Kyoto companies.
An internet time machine that illustrates the changing face of popular culture.
How to participate
Companies that would like to show their commercials or product packaging of yesteryear ŽÑ send them in now! For details, send email to the Kyoto Pavilion Administrative Office.
Introducing Kyoto artists, contemporary Kyoto art, as well as examples of Kyoto folkcrafts.
Feel the energy pulsating beneath the refined sense of beauty which has made Kyoto culture!
How to participate
Works showing the personal flair of the artist, from traditional folkarts to modern art and computer graphics are scheduled for display, here.
Display methods are still under study. Anyone interested is asked to please contact the Kyoto Pavilion Administrative Office.
A comprehensive list of links to Kyoto companies ranging from traditional Nishijin silk-weavers to high-tech manufacturers. Homepages of newspapers and cultural organizations, too.
A visit here will clue you in to what's happening in present-day Kyoto.
How to participate
Individuals and small businesses can have their pre-existing homepages linked free of charge, while large companies are asked to pay a nominal fee.
The only requirement is that your homepage be in some way related to Kyoto.
Kyoto Pavilion aims to be an information exchange created by everyone and in which anyone can play a part.
In keeping with that concept, here you'll find a variety of announcements, notices, and messages.
What's Hi-Band
Have you ever wondered what the Net will be like in the future? If so, check out the "What's Hi-Band" page.
Here you'll find notices concerning the high-speed experimental circuit managed by Kyoto Prefecture, experimental locations across Japan, technical information on Hi-Band, and more!.
Homepage created by Kyoto's public organizations are featured here.
Participation by municipalities and public organizations in Kyoto Prefecture is eagerly promoted.
This page will feature the culture and history of Kyoto during the 1,200 years since its establishment.
The vivid culture fostered in Kyoto will be introduced via a variety of fascinating visual presentations, linking past, present, and future.
Kyoto Do it yourself (under construction)
This homepage is for individuals and small groups who would like to create their own personal homepages.
Whatever you create will be displayed by the Kyoto Pavilion server free of charge, during the Internet Expo.
An explanation of how to participate will be forthcoming, upon completion of related technical studies.
KyotoBUSINESS (under construction)
This homepage is built around a core of "venture spirit," a term that aptly reflects today's Kyoto business scene.
Plans include not only company introductions, but also network forums, and more!
KyotoMARKET (under construction)
This page will present information on shopping, centering around individual retail stores and mail-order opportunities.
Current plans are to focus on Kyoto specialties, whether they be general commodities, souvenirs, fashion items, or furniture and fixtures.
Any company interested in participating should contact the Kyoto Pavilion Administrative Office.
KyotoACADEMY (under construction)
This page will present the latest in research, experimental, and survey information from Kyoto's elementary, jr. high, and high schools, as well as universities, professional schools, museums, and all kinds of research centers.