Wanted: Fond-Memory Flavors! |
Tell us about the flavors that have won your heart or your favorite recipes and win credit-card gift certificates (worth approx. U.S.$100 - 500)
Anko News |
Filled with as yet unrevealed news about anko sweet been paste, this page are sends new information every month.
(Sorry! only in Japanese)
| Wanted!! Potential Volunteers |
We look for potential volunteers who will kindly join in one of our social
activities, Kyoto clean-up campaign. For further details, please refer to the
| Flower Information |
We offer information of flower viewing spots in Kyoto.
Kyoto Kaleidoscope |
Photographs depicting the beauty of Kyoto in the four seasons.
(Displays change for each season.)
Welcome to BBCC |
VOD(Video On Demand) experiments are carried out in which video
creations collected from students can be accessed via B-ISDN.