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Status on the World's Fair Network
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A contact at MFS and power supply info on the router. (options: 1-4 power supplies; AC or DC?) I have a call into Martin Terpstra, Bay networks Is this the right person to confirm this?

We're completing the paperwork for the collocation at WTN and both pieces of information would be most helpful. Also, I am assuming Bay networks would remotely manage this router? Will this be done inband or through remote access PSTN line and do we need to consider this?

Thanks, Nancy

Date: Thu Nov 9, 1995 09:27 am EST From: Carl Malamud [IMS] EMS: INTERNET / MCI ID: 376-5414 MBX: carl@radio.com

TO: * Nancy A. Berry / MCI ID: 426-9551 Subject: Re: Status on the World's Fair Network

Nancy -

I'm assuming you have what you need from us for the time beiing? Please let me know if you're missing something ...


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