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Participation in the Fair
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We are the Catalan Chapter of Internet Society (http://aleph.ac.upc.es/isoccat/isoccat.html)

Your idea is fantastic!.

We would like to know how we could collaborate in this Internet World Exposition. It seems a nice idea, the only problem we see is the prize. How can participate an small country like Catalonia?.

Artur Serra Chair of the Catalan Chapter of ISOC.

Artur Serra - artur@ac.upc.es - Department de Arquitecture de Computadors Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Gran Capita, s/n, Modul D6-008 E-08071 Barcelona Tel:+34-3-4017182 Fax: +34-3-4017055 homepage: http://www.ac.upc.es/~artur

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