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If you look at the receivers of the EDGAR reports as a special interest group who like to or need to get the raw SEC data, then perhaps it is not a diverse group.

On the other hand if you look at the variety of people and organizations that have been responding here lately, the group is diverse.

But lets look at what this can lead to.

The reduction in the need to physically mail by corporations, brokers and others, the various reports to stockholders can be an extensive saving in printing handling and postage.

With the three day settlement period, more stock will stay in the broker's vaults. That means more mailings by brokers and increased costs to corporations, with lots more paper.

If your like me, you get multiple paper copies of the same reports. Good if your a land fill operator and a printer, but bad for the rest of us.

I really salute the people who had the foresight and means to start the project, and the people who operated it. Something this good must not die.

irwin taranto irwin@taranto.com unique in all the world

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