Young Radish Dongchimi

Usually this type of kimchi is fermented with fish juice and ground red chili, they make a cool and tasty version in the Choongchong Province with salted water without ground red chili at all.

Materials(makes for four) and Precooking

1 binding young radish
1 cup coarse salt
20 green chilies, fermented in salt
100g (0.2 pounds) each leaf mustard, young scallion
2 bulbs garlic
2 chunks ginger
2 cups salt
young radish select small and solid ones. Remove sturdy leaves and wash clean. Dip in salted water and sprinkle salt on them and let sit overnight. Shift once during the time to move the top ones down and the ones under to move to the top, in order to salt evenly. Rinse in water and drain after salting.
green chili put in salted water and weight with stones to ferment.
young scallion, leaf mustard clean and wash.
garlic, ginger wash and clean. Cut into thin slices and put in a cloth bag.
garlic and ginger clean and wash. Cut into thin slices and wrap with a small piece of cloth.
  1. Some of the materials and most of the wares actually needed are not included in the materials list, assuming they are readily available in any home.
  2. Metric values are approximated into pounds and inches, as they are not absolutes.

  1. Gather up 3 radishes and bind their leaves together. Bind young scallions and leaf mustards likewise.
  2. Put the cloth bag with garlic and ginger at the bottom of a pot. Lay layers of radish, young scallion, leaf mustard and green chili.
  3. Weight with a heavy stone on top of the layers. Pour in salted water as sauce.

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