Soy Sauce Kimchi

Soy Sauce kimchi is made with Chinese cabbage, radish and aged soy sauce. It is thick with sweet taste and was included in the palace dishes. Especially it goes well with the dishes which include Korean rice bread and it takes only two or three days to ferment. Extra flavorings like dropwort, pine nuts and fine strips of red chili just before serving.

Materials(makes for four) and Precooking

1 head Chinese cabbage
1/2 radish
1/2 aged (to be concentrated) soy sauce
1/2 binding each young scallion,dropwort
4 lentimus mushrooms (Lentimus edodes)
5 each jujube, chestnut
1 Korean pear
2 sheaths scallion
1 bulb garlic
1 chunk ginger
3 cups water
2 spoons sugar
a small amount of salt, and thin, strip-sliced red chili
cabbage remove the outer leaves and cut into 3cm (1 1/5 inch) pieces.
radish wash clean and cut into squares.
salting salt the cabbage in the aged and concentrated soy sauce. When the cabbage is wilted, add radish, too.
dropwort, young scallion clean and wash. Cut into 3cm (1 1/5 inch) pieces.
jujube remove the seeds and slice into thick strips.
chestnut peel and slice.
mushroom soak in water and slice.
scallion, garlic and ginger clean and wash. Cut into fine strips.
strip-sliced red chili cut into short pieces.
  1. Some of the materials and most of the wares actually needed are not included in the materials list, assuming they are readily available in any home.
  2. Metric values are approximated into pounds and inches, as they are not absolutes.

  1. Mix the salted cabbage and radish with the rest of the vegetables. Add minced garlic, ginger and fine strips of red chili and knead well. Put the mixture into a pot.
  2. Sauce is made from the soy sauce used for salting the cabbage and radish. Add water and sugar to the soy sauce.
  3. Pour the sauce into the pot and let ferment.

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