The Government is the executive organ of the National Assembly, the highest organ of state administration of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. It shall carry out overall management of the work for the fulfillment of the political,economic,cultural, social , national - defense,security and external duties of the State.
The Government shall ensure the effectiveness of the State apparatus from the center to the grassroots , ensure the respect for and implementation of the Constitution and the law; it shall promote the mastery of the people in national construction and defense,ensure security and improvement of the people's material and cultural living conditions.The Government is accountable to the National Assembly and shall made its reports to the National Assembly, its Standing Committee, and the country's President. The Government shall be composed of the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Ministers,the Cabinet Ministers, and other members. With the exception of the Prime Minister, its members are not necessarily members of the National Assembly.
The duties and powers of the Government
The Prime Minister is accountable to the National Assembly and shall make his reports to the National Assembly, its Standing Committee, and the country's President.
The Deputy Prime Ministers shall assist the Prime Minister in the Performance of his duties, as required by him. In the absence of the Prime Minister, one of his Deputies shall be delegated by him to direct the work of the Government.
The duties and powers of the Prime Minister:
On the basis of the Constitution, the law, and the resolutions
of the National Assembly, the decree-laws and resolutions of
the latter's Standing Committee, the orders and decisions of
the country's President, the Government shall issue resolutions
and decrees, the Prime Minister shall issue decisions and
directives and shall supervise the execution of those formal
written orders.
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