The Tree-Mendus Fruit orchard is operated by Herb Teichman (pictured here)
and his family. Their orchards, nestled in the bucolic
morainal hills of southwest Michigan, are a popular tourist destination for
day trippers from Chicago. But you needn't travel to Michigan to
enjoy their produce. They maintain a brisk mail order business,
including shipments of cider fresh frozen in dry ice.
For more information about Tree-Mendus Fruit, their produce,
and availability call: 1(800) 957-4735 or 1(616) 782-7101.
ship worldwide! Tell them you saw them on the Internet 1996 World
We purchased over forty pounds of fresh apples for our taste test, and they wrapped them up for us in a sampler like the one pictured here. (Yes, it was bigger...alot bigger) For the next two months we enjoyed the amazingly varied flavors of the older apple varieties. The russets are especially worthy of a try. The rough exterior that disqualifies them from the major commercial market belies a range of texture and flavor far greater than the more familiar waxy red supermarket varieties. On the other hand, if you're looking for the sweetest, prettiest, juiciest apple in the world give Hawaii a try. If you're interested in the results of our taste test take some time to follow the links on the table on the "An Eden of Apples" homepage.
"An apple a day?" You'll be more likely to keep that doctor away when every apple is a new adventure.
Follow on for a look around the orchard in late October.