

Education in Indonesia

First, please look at the the char of the educational system of Indonesia below.

age kind of school educational contents
6 or 8 to 12 or 14 regular high school,vocational high school,マドラサ regular education
13-15 years old regular middle school, vocational middle school,マドラサ secondary education
16-18 years old regular high school, vocational high school,マドラサ
19-22 years old university,junior college(2 years) higher education
23-24 years old graduation school
There are two characteristics in this educational system. One is the time starting the compulsory education. The Indonesian constitution said "All children, when they come of age of six, have the right to get the compulsory education at least for six years and when they come of age of eight outght to get the compulsory education at least for six years".

In brief, it is fine to entring school betwwen the age of six and eight in Indonesia. So class is not necessarily composed of childrean at the same age.

Also it is the characteristic that there is *マドラサ,the Islamic shool by the Department of Religion besides the elementary school by the Department of Education and Culture in the elementary education system. This is likely found in Indonesia in which nearly 90% of the people is Islams (notes). Then there are studens who go to elementary school in the morning and go to *マドラサ in the afternoon.

We shall not forget that besides such double-school children exist, in especially farm villages, there are children who cannot get the compulsory education because of poverty or their parents lack of understanding to the education.

(notes)Islam is not a border of Indonesia or it is not the fact that only Islam is treated favolbly. Other religions are also esteemed.

In Indonesia the secondary education has middle school and high school with three years each.

By getting graduation certificate of elementary school and making admission examination students can enter to middle school. Besides regular middle school there is vocational middle school, and among the latter there are techonology middle school and domestic middle school. But the vocational middle school has low popularity, so comparing the number of students, regular middle school has overhermingly more students at the rate of 98:2.

Among the high school, there are also regular high school and vocational high school but comparint to vocational middle school, vocational high school has more choices including economics high school and teacher training school and so forth besides technology high school and domestic high school. At this time the ratio of regular high school to vocational high school is 2:1.

The system to enter university is similar to high schools and middle schools, and the bachelors course has four years and masters course has two years. In Indonesia the rate of entering universityis low as about 3%.


Indonesia is a multiracial nation. One hundred seventy million people live scatterd through Java *カリマンタン, New Genia,*スラウェシ,and Smatra, and the racial groups live there keeping various lifestyle.

Of couse it is cleary showed in the education.
For example, the text book of "the History of Racial Strifes" class in elementary school begins like this:

They are Javaniese children.
They are *スンダ children.
They are *イリアン children.
They are *スラウェシ children

This statement still continues. And for illustrations the each pair of boy and girl in their native dress is drawn. In this way all the race existing in Indonesia are introduced.

And as the last words the following statements is settled.

The childrens clothes is different from each other.
But all these children are same one race.
All children are Indonesian people.
All of us are Indonesian.
The Indonesian become one.

In this way "the racial integration" in Indonesia is repoeatedly emphasized.

Also this is found in the curriculum. In elementary school besides the classes such as Indonesian, social studies, mathematics, and science, there are "Dialect","Religious Education","Hisory of Racial Strifes" and so forth.

In "Dialect" class native languages such as Javanese are taught. The students learn the religion which they believe in "Religious Education" class and "History of Racial Strife". In this way the people learn the variety of races and their coexistence since the elementary education in Indonesia.



The Insitut Teknologi Bandung
Petra Christian University
Polytechnic UNSRI State University

STIKOM Surabaya

Universitas Ahmad Dahlam
Diponegoro University
Universitas Gundarma
Institut Sains & Tecnologi akprind
Institut Seni Indoneshia Yogyakarta
Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Surabaya
STIMIK Bina Nusantara
Tekinik Informatika Gunadarma
Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado
Universitas Indoneshia

High Schools

Jakarta International School
Marsud-Net (A net for all guraduate of Yayasan Marsudirini's school system)
Santo Albertus Malang
Universitas Indoneshia
Sekolah Menengah Kristen III
Surabaya International School
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