To better understand the new technologies that are affecting the social, economical and cultural trends of societies all around the world, The Research Center for Media Aesthetics, at the Kyoto University of Art and Design, is inviting collaboration and connections with other centres of research and experimentation in new media to up-date, investigate and explore --at different sites with different expertises in different cultures of the world-- the impact that new technologies are having on human communication, artistic expression and social structures in the world today.

Research Center for Media Aesthetics at the Kyoto University of Art and Design to up-date and exchange the latest information on new media art, non-linear research and new ways of navigation in cyberspace.
The Research Center for Media Aesthetics would gather various Japanese researchers who are studying the impacts of new technologies in culture, arts and social structures, such as communicologists, sociologists, artists, engineers, anthropologists and psychologists.

Main Projects:
Digital Kyoto
(digitization and digital distribution of Japanese traditional cultural objects, architecture and decors)
CD-ROM Publishing ; "Virtual Kyoto"