The Research Centre of Media Aesthetics has formed a close partnership with the McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology at the University of Toronto. The McLuhan Program was formed in 1983 at the Canada's University of Toronto as a center in both research and education, continuing the world - famous work in culture and technology of Marshall McLuhan.
There are common themes between the Research Centre of Media Aesthetics and the McLuhan Program:

1. Leadership in research and exploration of the close relationship between technology and culture.
2. Long-distance education through video-conferencing.
3. Multimedia database and Programming Research.
4. Research and Development in Virtual Reality and Interactive Systems.

The McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology was created at the University of Toronto in 1983 to continue and promote the work of Marshall McLuhan and the Toronto School of Communications. In the course of its thirteen year existence, it has pioneered research in communication arts, art and technology, distant education, network navigation, network architecture and also consulted with business and government concerns on social and economic uses of new technologies.

The McLUHAN Program