we need your action!

Count down from 9 to 1 in your native language.
9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1....
When you reach 0, take in a deep breath, and close your eyes. At this point, hold your breath silently for a moment. Repeat this three times. When you are counting, this symbolizes Life. When you are at 0, this symbolizes Death. When counting down, please try to count in as loud a voice as possible. Also, please be as expressive as possible, crying, displaying anger, and laughing as you count. When at 0, please think about "the meaning of zero" and "Death".

The countdown speed and length of the silence should be in accordance with your own sense of rhythm and timing.

About photography and copyright issues

Take a centered, bust shot.

Clothing and background can be according to your own preferences.

The image you participate in will be published on the Internet. Also, it may be presented as part of a work of art. Please be aware of this when making your entry. Individual privacy will be respected, but copyright will be held by Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd. and Tatsuo Miyashima. Your entry indicates your agreement with these conditions.

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Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.