Mail Us

Submit Your Art Work

Please use the following form to submit your art work to Musée Psyché. The original copyright holder retains the copyright of the submission. However, you must agree with our policy of free distribution of art works for non-business purposes.

Due to the limited real estate (disk space), we cannot promise that all of your works will be exhibited. Once it is decided to be exhibited, however, how it is presented at Musée Psyché will be planned in collaboration with you.

If your work is already on the Internet and downloadable, please specify the URL. Otherwise, we will contact you via e-mail.

Your name:
About yourself:
URL of your work:
(only if downloadable;
either http:// or ftp://)
Description of your work:

Please click "Send" once, and your form will be sent to us. Thank you.

If you could not mail us with the above form, please send the equivalent contents with "Submission" in the subject line to the following mail address:

Always under déconstruction

Copyright © Kenji Saito, 1996