
ISBN (Internet Sumo for BitNiks)

Bring your favourite books to the picnic

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Current winner


Please use the following form to make your entry of an ISBN wrestler to challenge the current winner. The entry must be of an existing book. Every item in the form must be filled. The ISBN must be a sequence of 10 digits separated into four parts by hyphens.


Press above to start fighting.


ISBN (Internet Sumo for BitNiks) is a game in which an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is given a brand new meaning: a description of a sumo wrestler.

Sumo is a Japanese traditional wrestling which have many fans all over the world. For those who are unfamiliar with sumo and its terminology, a good place to visit on the web is SumoWeb!. This site tells pretty much everything you need to enjoy watching sumo games.

As you may have noticed, every ISBN has four parts: the nation/language code, the publisher code, the book code and the check digit. Each part is interpreted in ISBN (the game) the following way:

nation/language codepower
publisher codespeed
book codetechnique
check digitexperience

Each is decoded into a natural number ranging from 0 to 255. We do not make the decoding algorithm public - it is for you to find out.

The game goes as follows:

How to link

To put a link to ISBN on your site, please use the following URL:

Always under déconstruction

Copyright © Kenji Saito, 1996