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Your March 10,1996 response re:Notice of Objection
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Mr Malamud: Thank you for your timely response. The reason for my Objection is I am the originator of the idea, expression and explanation for using electronic medium to provide public policy and issues to the general public via computer and/or television, has data base for reading gov. propsals ie. Congressional Record,etc., provides data base for researching the policy/issue, tabulates results of votes/surveys, makes those results public via media and routing to proper agency/Representative and is interactive whereby the general public can communicate directly ie e-mail/comment. My Work Electronic Government is not predated by any other work in the public domaine, therefore my rights are exclusive and absolute until such time as I enter contract for permission, license or sale which I have not done. All others, including IMS must obtain proper contract to prepare a derivative which I am happy to negotiate. I hope I have made my position somewhat clearer and I will try to respond to any other questions you might have. Again thank you for your timely response and please keep me informed. Sincerely, Linda Half-Day, Owner

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