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Hi Carl:

Yes I have the publication info.

You will get it this morning.

I tried out the Christmas stuff. Its really OUTSTANDING. Really lots of fun, and there's a lot there to play with. The You Drive NB4 is big fun, and should be a great family thing. Actually it doesn't pace too bad on the end of POTS link either. My other comments:

On the Chesapeake page....why not slip the canada goose soundbyte on their somewhere. Its probably not the correct subspecies, but hey, that would be really hard to tell.

You have a heading "Mesage From North Pole"...check spelling.

I got a not found message on "elf_how.au".

On long audio files I get dropouts every ten seconds or so. I suspect this is on my end...or is it lost packets...Its not happening on your end is it? Its not awful, but it does detract.

What is your opinion regarding the wisdom of putting file size info on some of the bigger files. Will this discourage people from trying them too much?

Oh, I like the image processing work and the layouts. In particular I enjoyed the gags about penguins on the North Pole. The wrapping paper looks good too.

I wrote a note to the elves, and it worked.

I'm going to make some coffee, and find the publication info, and I'll get it out to you this morning. Thanks.

yours, Marty L.

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