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Re: exact specs for Sprint
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> From carl@malamud.com Thu Jul 1 10:29:26 1993
> From: carl@malamud.com (Carl Malamud)
> To: prue@ISI.EDU
> Subject: exact specs for Sprint
> Could you tell me again exactly what specs you want on the T1 line
> and exactly what CSU/DSU you want us to have here in the club.
> Sprint is finally starting to move, but it's certainly like trying
> to dance with an elephant on drugs. :)
> Carl

Hi Carl,

We would like an unchannelized T1 with B8ZS signaling and ESF framing. We are willing to accept clock from the network but we can also provide clock if it doesn't. That is, it can go through a DACS type system as long as all 1,536,000 of the payload bits are passed unaltered.

Sprint will be cross patching the circuit into an existing CSU/DSU co-located at the POP to terminate the new T1. I don't want to tell them know which one to cross patch to because they will likely do it early. Sprint should talk to me about how it will be terminated in advance so they can save themselves some work.

We use a Digital Link DL551VX CSU/DSU.


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