About Senseware

The Senseware page is a kind of toolkit employs sensors along the Internet to extend our sensations (or feelings), for example, Peephole. We are also planning to add the number of variations on this theme.

Indeed, the Net's existence is a miracle of sorts. When I first used the Net, just being connected to a remote server was exciting, and I am sure many people remember this sensation from when they first used the Net, too. It's an excitement that we just can't explain. And this is not just restricted to the Net, it is the same for the world in which we live.

We will be happy therefore if you too are in some way affected when seeing the Web pages that we created. While it is not part of Senseware corner, Meeting Place, Check in Log/Pocket Park, where those with NetScape 2.0 and above can participate in, were produced along the same concept.

[World Ear]
[Net Sound]
[Star Place]
w/JAVA script
[Breathing Earth] [Web Hopper]
[Web Doors]

[back to Cabinet]

Theme pavilion "sensorium" (sensorium home page)
INTERNET 1996 WORLD EXPOSITION (World Public Park) / JAPAN (Japan EXPO home page)