For best consumption - How to store

For best taste, kimchi has to be stored at low temperature where the fermenting process stops. The best temperature for this is 0 to 5 degrees Celsius (32 to 41 degrees F.). The temperatures below freezing would flatten it.

Korean people have developed a way of storing kimchi at an appropriate temperature without freezing, which is to plant the kimchi pots in the ground. This is called a kimchi barn. In the ground the temperature does not fluctuate very much. Kimchi planted in the ground lasts for a long while in the freezing Korean winter. Here we see the wisdom of Korean forefathers who knew how to adjust themselves to be in harmony with nature.

However, the traditional storage is hard to find in modern cities. Experiments and studies have produced many ways of storing, including kimchi box or kimchi chiller which make use of the scientific basis of planting. The easiest way would be storing in chillers. Kimchi can last for three months at 0 degree C. (32 degree F.).

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