Kimchi, a scientificcally made food

A good deal of traditional Korean foods are processed, and kimchi is the best known of them. Kimchi is made mainly of various fresh vegetables. When fermented for an appropriate length of time, it comes to acquire a unique flavor and taste. With well-fermented kimchi, you can ingest vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, more than 80 per cent of the amount needed every day. The allicin in garlic helps human body to absorb vitamin B1 and helps keep the body fluids in balanced pH with its alkalinity.

Fish juice, which is mixed in as part of the seasoning, and seafoods provide helpful amino acid. They also create, depending on the fermentation length, organic acid and alcoholic ester that work as appetite stimulants. Thus kimchi is a very scientific food.

The unique ingredients and flavors of the materials intermingle to create even better flavors and nutrients through the scientific processes of fermenting and aging of kimchi. Also kimchi is a good provider of vitamins, fiber and minerals.

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