[Mind Forest]
[Mind Forest Map]

The Mind Forest is a complex space filled with hands-on experiences that turn body gesture and voice input into music (Tod Machover) and images (Sharon Daniel). The space was designed by architect Ray Kinoshita, and is intended to create the impression of walking, figuratively, into a giant musical brain. Organic shapes and materials designed by Maggie Orth, and responsive, invisible sensors invented by Joe Paradiso and his team, help make the environment feel natural and responsive rather than hi-tech and mechanical. Its main components are The Singing and Speaking Trees, The Rhythm Tree, Harmonic Driving, The Gesture Wall, and The Melody Easel.

See a diagram of the set-design and layout for the Mind Forest. (See the other half of this wide image.)

See some specific diagrams of the Mind Forest experiences.

See a concept drawing of the Mind Forest.
