Shei-Pa National Park

Shi-Pa National Park, the newest park in the system, is designated in order to protect the wilderness mountain area of north-central Taiwan. The major geological features within the park are Sheishan (3886 meters), Tapachienshan (3600 meters), and many other mountains and cliffs. Because of the rugged terrain, most of Shei-Pa National Park remains undeveloped. The mountain streams still run clear, and large tracts of forestland are virgin timber. Like Yushan and Taroko, Shei-Pa serves as a refuge for large mammals and birds.

[Environment Protection and Nature Conservation]
[National Park Ecological Protection Areas]
[Protection Of Nature Landscapes]
[Wildlife Conservation]

Providing Source ĄG Department of Construction and Planning Administration Ministry of Interior

File Last Revised ĄG Feb.8.1996

Contact Phone ĄG 886-2-7374701EX283