ContentsThe collection contains models covering the period 1698-1889, including a large number of models and half models of In addition to these, there are models concerning all kinds of subjects relating to industrial, technical and scientific developments, such as Features of the catalogue on CD-ROMSpecifications CD-ROMComputer requirements:IBM-compatible computer, 486 processor with 8 MB RAM recommended. Minimal 5 MB free space on the hard disk; video card: minimal SVGA (800 x 600 pixels) with 256 colors; MS-DOS version 5.0 or higher; Windows, version 3.1 or higher. CD-ROM drive: double-speed or better. Sound card (optional) Availability: Available now Prices CD-ROM (incl. publisher's guide) Special offer to individuals (for personal use only) Libraries/Institutions, one work-station: Libraries/Institutions, local network: Institutions and individuals may order directly from the publishers or through a recognized dealer/bookseller. Prepayment is required of individuals ordering directly from the publishers. Eurocheques or Giro cheques made out in Dutch guilders are acceptable forms of payment, as is Eurocard/Mastercard (please state card number and date of expiration). In North America please contact our representative at the address above. Institutions should indicate whether the CD-ROM will be used on a single work-station or installed on a local network. Back |