
Ggagduki is the most popular kimchi in Korea together with Chinese cabbage kimchi. Radishes are cube-sliced into pieces which are rather big in size in order to preserve the vitamins. Oyster is especially good for old people or kids, since there are much protein and minerals including calcium and iron, and vitamins. Ggagduki combined with oyster has a fresh taste and much nutrient. However, osyter becomes sour soon. No or only a small amount of oyster is recommended when you want your Ggagduki to last for a long time.

Materials(makes for four) and Precooking

2 radishes
200g (0.4 pounds) oyster
1/2 cup shrimp juice
1/2 binding young scallion
1 binding dropwort
2 sheaths scallion
1/2 binding leaf mustard
1 cup ground red chili
4 spoons salt
1 bulb garlic
1/2 chunk ginger
2 spoons sugar
radish remove small rootlets and scrub with a brush to remove dirt. Cut into 1.5cm (1/2 inch) cubes. Radish is quite juicy, so it is a good idea to remove some of the juice by salting lightly in salted water. Rinse with water and drain.
young scallion, leaf mustard, dropwort young scallion; clean and wash. Cut into 3cm (1 1/5 inch) pieces.
oyster choose fat and solid ones. Wash in salted water and drain.
shrimp juice gather up the solid part and mince.
garlic and ginger clean and wash. Mince.
  1. Some of the materials and most of the wares actually needed are not included in the materials list, assuming they are readily available in any home.
  2. Metric values are approximated into pounds and inches, as they are not absolutes.

  1. Put the sliced radish cubes in a big bowl and mix with ground red chili.
  2. Mix in the minced garlic, ginger, shrimp juice and sugar. Add young scallion, dropwort and leaf mustard and mix. Flavor with salt while mixing.
  3. Add oyster to the mixture. mix gently so that osyters are not crushed.
  4. Put the fresh kimchi in a pot, pressing hard. Cover the lid and let ferment.

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