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Ministry of fisheries.

The Ministry of fisheries is the governmental agency to perform the State unified management in the field of fisheries throughout the country according to the directions, policies of the Party and the State. To manage, direct the exploitation, protection, processing, aquaculture, doing business in the field of fisheries in the domestic economy.

The Ministry of fisheries has the following tasks, powers :

  • 1. To draw up the directions, policies,rules, principles on fisheries management to submit to the Governmental Council for approval. To guide, direct other industries, locations to implement those policies, directions.
  • 2. To study necessary draft laws to protect and develop the fisheries sources to submit to the Governmental Council or the National Assembly to issue. To guide the implementation of those laws.
  • 3. To establish the planning, long term, annual plans on the activities of fisheries industry to submit to the Governmental Council for approval; To manage and direct the implementation of those policies.
  • 4. To draw up and submit to the Governmental council to issue or to issue within its jurisdiction rules, standards, procedure, technical procedures of fisheries industries; To guide, control, the implementation of those regulations.
  • 5. To guide the scientific research, application and dissemination of scientific - technological progress in fisheries industry; To organize the implementation of fisheries resources; To plan the international co-operation in the field of fisheries to submit to the Governmental Council for approval and to organize the implementation of the current regulations.
  • 6. To draw up and submit to the Governmental Council planning, training plans for technical cadre,cadre working in the field of economic management, technical workers of fisheries industry; To organize the implementation of those plans according to the assignment of the Governmental Council. Click this icon to go previous