COUNCIL Of MINISTERS SOCIALIST REPUBLIC Of VIETNAM Independence-freedom-Happiness No. 389-HDBT Hanoi, 10 November 1990
In order to unify the procedures for granting permission to foreigners and foreign nationals of Vietnamese origin who are temporarily residing in Vietnam to lease residential and office premises and recruit labour in Vietnam;
On the proposal of the Minister of the Interior
Article 1:
- Regulations on the lease of premises and recruitment of labour by foreigners and foreign nationals of Vietnamese origin who are temporarily residing in Vietnam are promulgated with this Decree.
Article 2:
- The Regulations shall have full force and effect as of their date of promulgation. Any previously made provisions of Ministries, branches and local people's committees inconsistent with the Regulations are hereby repealed.
The Ministries of the Interior, Defence, Construction, finance, Labour War Invalids and Social Affairs shall perform the specific management functions provided for in, and assist in the implementation of, the Regulations.
Article 3:
- Ministers, Chairmen of the State Committees, heads of other bodies of the Council of Ministers and chairmen of people's committees of the provinces, cities and special zones under central authority shall be responsible for implementation of this Decree.
for the Council of Ministers Vice Chairman