Since the institution of nine-year compulsory education in Taiwan in 1968, large-scale public participation and government investment have enabled great quantitative and qualitative improvements in the educational system. Universal education has made a huge contribution to eliminating illiteracy and providing the nation with a vast pool of highly-qualified manpower. The most important current issue on the eve of the twenty-first century is how to develop forward-looking policies that will train outstanding citizens with the ability to deal with the challenges the future will present. Education in Taiwan
The following are some of the policies taken in response to current problems:
- The amendment of the Compulsory Education Law will clarify the main issues of responsibility for compulsory education, step up experimental research, and promote equal access to educational opportunities.
- The average class size will be reduced to 35 students and the maximum class size will be limited to 40 students.
- A suitable educational environment will be created by continuing to improve the software resources and physical facilities and equipment in the public school system.
- The discrepancy in educational opportunities between urban and rural areas is being reduced through the stepped-up establishment of "educational priority zones."
- The institution of new curriculum standards will lighten the pressure on students and enable the normal development of education.
- Citizen participation in the compilation of textbooks will provide students with more options and opportunities.
- Lively regional educational topics will help students love and cherish their homeland.
- The promotion of science and computer education is helping meet the needs of modern technological society.
- Increased emphasis on environmental education is enhancing support for and understanding of environmental protection.
- The promotion of education in courtesy and deportment will help establish an affluent and well-mannered society.
- The promotion of art education will bring about greater artistic accomplishments and foster the holistic development of students' bodies and minds.
- Greater emphasis on education for the physically and mentally handicapped will insure equal access to educational opportunities.
In a time of rapid social and technological transformations, public education plays the role of developing individual potential and nurturing the nation's human resources. Only the sound continued development of public education can insure that future citizens will grow up strong and healthy in body and mind. Therefore, up to the present the government has continuously invested vast resources in refining and enhancing the standards of public education, thereby laying down a sturdy foundation. It is anticipated that as the R.O.C. becomes a modern nation of the twenty-first century, it will rely on the thoroughgoing implementation of the aforementioned measures to achieve an across-the-board upgrading of the quality of the nation's educational system.
Providing Source : Ministry of Education
File Last Revised : Feb. 8. 1996
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