Placement of the Elderly in Care Facilities
Recreational Activities for the Elderly
- Publicly-Paid Care
- Senior citizens who are unable to earn a living and who have no relatives to rely on will be allowed to live at a public or private retirement home and all living expenses will be paid by the city government.
- Privately-Paid Care
- Elderly citizens who have adequate economic resources and are able to live independently may pay for care at retirement homes and apartments set aside for them.
- Nursing Services
- Nursing home facilities are being provided for those elderly whose ability to move unassisted has been impaired by chronic illness or paralysis and who need round-the-clock care.
Economic Assistance
- Half-price or free bus fare and admission to social, educational, and recreational facilities are provided for the elderly. In conjunction with a series of activities to celebrate Old People's Day (Sept. 9), the elderly are given respectful gifts of money (or presents).
- Eternal Spring health and cultural centers and community-based "Sungpo" and "Changshou" clubs offer the elderly various activities and seminars with a content that includes the arts, knowledge, recreation, and friendship. Volunteer activities encourage ablebodied senior citizens to enthusiastically donate their time to perform unpaid services.
Medical Insurance
- Living Allowances
- In order to care for those senior citizens who have a low household income, the government provides monthly living allowances of NT$5000.
- Living Subsidies for Low- and Middle-Income Senior Citizens
- Elderly persons whose monthly per-person income is less than twice the standard minimum cost of living are provided a monthly subsidy by the government; this subsidy is NT$6000 in the case of those whose income is less than 1.5 times the standard and NT$3000 in the case of those whose income is 1.5 to 2 times the standard.
Health Examinations
Home Care- In order to help older citizens stay healthy, the government provides a free annual health examination.
- Medical Treatment Discounts
- Elderly citizens who suffer from illness or infirmities receive a discount on health care expenses when they go to a hospital or clinic for treatment.
- Medical Treatment Subsidies
- Senior citizens at least 70 years old whose monthly perperson income is less than 2.5 times the standard minimum cost of living can apply for a subsidy covering 70% of medical treatment costs and up to NT$300,000 per person per year.
- Subsidy for Inpatient Nursing Care
- Elderly persons whose monthly per-person income is less than twice the standard minimum cost of living may apply for a subsidy covering inpatient nursing care of up to NT$100,000 per person per year.
- Home Care (At-Home Service)
- Single elderly persons who lack anyone to care for them or who have difficulty caring for themselves because of chronic illness are provided with services including help with household matters, provision of reading materials, escort to medical care, and counselling.
- Daytime Care
- Senior citizens who have minor disabilities or find getting around difficult are provided with services including daytime care, meals, counselling, recreational opportunities, therapy, and health care.
- Residential Improvements
- Elderly persons whose monthly per-person income is less than twice the standard minimum cost of living may obtain a subsidy of up to NT$100,000 per household per year to cover improvements to their home and its furnishings in order to make it more convenient for them to get around.
- Senior Citizens' Chat
- Various public-interest organizations can take advantage of a telephone hot-line to provide the elderly with services including the handling of mail, provision of information, legal and medical consulting, household and lifestyle guidance, and other friendly services.
Providing Source : Ministry of Interior
File Last Revised : Feb. 8. 1996
Contact Phone : 886-2-3565516
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