Asia-Pacific Regional Operations Center

Program for Implementation

Implementation of the Plan is divided into seven main strands: macroeconomic adjustment, and development of each of the specialized centers for manufacturing, sea transportation, air transportation, financial services, telecommunications, and media productions. The agency charged with primary responsibility for carrying out each of these strands of the Plan, and also the main supporting agencies, are as follows:

Macroeconomic Adjustment:

The Council for Economic Planing and Development is primarily responsible, with all necessary support to be provided by other relevant agencies.

Manufacturing Center:

The Ministry of Economic Affairs is primarily responsible, supported as necessary by the Ministry of Finance.

Sea Transportation Center, Air Transportation Center, and Telecommunications Center:

The Ministry of Transportation and Communications is primarily responsible, Supported as necessary by the Ministry of Finance.

Financial Center:

The Central Bank of China is primarily responsible, supported as necessary by the Ministry of Finance.

Media Center:

The Government Information Office is primarily responsible, supported as necessary by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
Timetable for Implementation

---- Major target
.... Implementation target
¡³ Uncompleted target
¡´ Completed target
Macroeconomic adjustments
Promoting trade and investment liberalization
Reducing entry and exit restrictions on personnel
Easing restrictions on capital movement
Establishing legal environment of an information
Manufacturing Center
Fostering an overall environment for upgrading the manufacturing industry
Planning intelligent industrial parks and building Taiwan as a science and technology island
Sea Transportation Center
Vigorously improving services and facilities and expanding cargo transportation operations
Enhancing the overall development of the Kaohsiung Harbor and expanding its transportation capacity
Air Transportation Center
Developing an express cargo transportation center
Developing a passenger transportation center
Building an air city
Planning for and building a new international airport
Financial Center
Integrating the development of the foreign exchange market, offshore banking unit, and foreign currency market
Developing the derivative market
Developing a gold market
Expanding the bond and securities markets and promoting their internationalization
Strengthening the stock market and seeking internationalization of the stock market
Developing the insurance market
Telecommunications Center
Vigorously promoting telecommunications liberalization and developing a center for private business networks
Expanding cable connections and forming a telephone connection center and a customer service center
Restructuring the telecommunications regulatory framework and developing an international telecommunications industry
Promoting the National Information Infrastructure development plan in coordination with the development of the telecommunications center
Media Center
Improving the general environment of media development
Establishing a high-tech media park

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