The Red Cliff

Wu Yuan-chih (ft. 12th century), Chin dynasty (A.D. 1115-1233)
Ink on paper. Handscroll. 50.8 x 136.4 cm

Wu Yuan-chih received his chin-shih degree during the Ming-ch'ang period (A.D. 1190--1195). His style name was Shan-fu. The painting illustrates the famous prose-poem by Su Tung-p'o. In the depiction of the mountains and swirling water, the artist used a firm, wire-like line.
Originally the painting was in the collection of Hsiang Yuan-pien (A.D. 1525-1590), who attributed it to Chu Jui of the Northern Sung dynasty. Attached to the scroll is a copy of the poem written by Chao Ping-wen. Reference to this painting in the writings of Yuan Hao-wen of the Chin dynasty has shown that it is the work of Wu Yuan-chih.

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