Emperor's formal court belt.

Ch'ing dynasty (A.D. 1644--1911)
Length: 175 cm

Four plaques with gold filigree and inset sapphire and pearls adorn this yellow silk belt. Attached to two of the plaques are two rings decorated with openwork bat decor. Hanging from the two rings are: two blue purses decorated with Manchurian words formed by pearls, a purse with embroidered Manchurian on a yellow background, a flint box with embroidered good fortune and longevity symbols, a gold plated toothpick case inlaid with turquoise and rubies and complete with one ivory toothpick, a gold plated scabbard inlaid with turquoise and rubies and complete with an ox-horn handle knife, and two white straps with gem inlaid clips. This belt was meant to be worn with the emperor's (formal court) dragon robe.

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