Dr. R. Blokzijl
P.O. Box 41882
1009 DB Amsterdam
Letter of support Internet 1996 World Exposition
March 19, 1996
Dear Mr. Blokzijl,
I've heard you give lead to the Dutch secretariat of the Internet 1996 World Exposition.
I think it's a good initiative to make people around the world aware of the possibilities and applications of electronic networks. For it is of importance that these possibilities and applications are part of the educational, social and economical developments in society.
By means of a Dutch pavilion on this Internet 1996 World Exposition, the Netherlands are enabled to show different aspects of our modern society. This suits the ambition which the Netherlands has announced in the Action Program Electronic Highways, to present itself as 'Information Gateway'.
I wish you, the other initiators and all contributors lots of success with the organization and look forward to it's realization.
Dr. G.J. Wijers
Minister of economic affairs