Floor plan of the NSM

3rd Floor plan1st & Basement Floor Plan
I. From the creation of the Universe to the time of Man
  1. Entrance
  2. From the creation of the Universe to the present
  3. First appearance of mankind
II. Korea's Nature
  1. Geology
  2. Animals
  3. Plants
III. The History of Science and Technology
  1. Clothing, Food, & Housing
  2. Arts & Crafts
  3. Astronomy & Earth Science
  4. Scientific Tools
IV. Understanding Nature
  1. Earth Science
  2. Mathematics
  3. Physics
  4. Chemistry
  5. Biolgy
V. Unilization of Nature
  1. Energy
  2. Machines
  3. Information
  4. Traffic and Transportion
S. Harmony among Nature, Science & Man
  1. Symbol Tower