The Coming of Age Ceremony

Through this ceremony, a child is welcomed as an adult. A long time ago, Koreans celebrated this ceremony when a single man or woman married. Koreans performed it in front of elderly witnesses and their ancestors.

Nowadays, Koreans celebrate it when they have their 20th. birthday.

Wedding Ceremony

In a traditional marriage ceremony, it was very difficult to keep the strict and physically demanding "Yook Rae". Nowadays, Koreans have simplified the ceremony to fit in with modern times.

The Mourning Ceremony

Traditionally, Korea put filial piety as their top priority. Koreans are not only doing their filial duty when their parents are still alive but also after death. Korean did observe the formalities of 3 years mourning periods for their parents. Nowadays, we see a simplified form of ceremony, but we certainly do not reject our filial duty.

The Religious Ceremony

It is hard to know when exactly the religious ceremony started. But it is believed that from ancient ages, Koreans respected their dead ancestors. This habit succeeded through the ages and Confucians turned this into a religious ceremony.