Born in l952 in Taejun, Kim Duk Su graduated Korea Music and Arts School in 197O and learned how to play the traditional gong and drum from famous artist. In l959 he won the President's Award at the National NongAk Contest and his name was known to everyone He won again in l96l.

He made into order all the rythms and beats scattered across different places. And learned from other traditional music players while doing so.

With these accomplishments he went on tour to Japan and other 50 countries and in l978 established "samulnori".

l982 in Dallas at an international percussion contest he awed the audience and in l984 he performed at the "Supercussion" festival in Tortonto and the "World Drum Festival" in Vancouver. He made musical appearances with top performers such as Chic Corea, Herbie hancock, and Miles Davis.

Along with the jazz group Red Sun (?) they recorded their live performance to be released on CD's and LD's. Recently he has signed up with the recording company ECM to perform with other jazz musicians.