In order to have a more focused discussion and concrete results, Korea would like
to have a main topic for the Seoul Conference. Korea considered choosing theme
I improved flows of information, science and technology, or
theme II, improved
researcher exchange and human resources development, one of the four
themes of the Beijing Conference.
At the Expert Meeting and WGIST Adhoc Task Force Meeting held in Seoul
25-26 to select the Main Topic for the Seoul APEC S&T Ministers' Conference, there
an agreement to recommend to the WGIST that a theme based on
researcher exchange and HRD be the main topic for the Seoul Conference, This
topic may also include, if appropriate, the role of information networks. The exact
wording of the main topic will be further defined and recommended by Korea.
Expert Meeting: March 25, 1996
Dr. Stephen Hill (UNESCO)
Prof. Seongjae Yu (Chung Ang Univ.)
Prof. Eiji 0'Shima (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Prof. Patrick Takahashi (Univ, of Hawaii)
WGIST Ad-hoc Task Force meeting:
March 26, 1996
- Participants: APEC Secretariat, Australia,
Canada, China, Chinese
Taipei, Japan, Korea, USA
In order to have a full and detailed discussion on the main topic selected, the following
preparation activities are being planned: