This page you can watch "Ham and Chicken Rolls","Szechuan Soup","Custard Tarts" and so on.This page contains recipes of 16 dishes(6 dishes are witten in Chinese).You can cook from appetizers to desserts.Each pictures looks so delicious!
This is Chinese salad.If you have few time to cook, no problem. As this writer says,it takes only minutes to prepare this.After you have a meal,why don't you watch other pages?(Go to "FOOD TREK Page"and then,click "Chinese Cuisine".)You can get much information about Chinese Cuisine.Do you know how Dim Sum started in tea house?According to this page,Dim Sum started as a prelunch thing.And you can also learn how the character of chinese cooking shaped,etc....
It is very hard for us to plan today's dinner.But such problem will go away if you watch this page.More than 100 famous Shanghai dishes' recipes are here!For example,you can cook even "Braised Bear's Paw Slices".But I have no idea to get "150g bear's paw".Except these dishes, it is few troubles to cook.And each page has some photos of these dishes.