Official nameSocialist Republic of Viet Nam
National anthemQuoc Ca Viet Nam
Orgins of the country
Form of governmentCommunist state/Unicameral
Area(1000 spuare km)332
Population density(people/1 spuare km,1993)215
Average life span(male/female)
Birth rate(per 1000people,1990-95)30.7%
Death rate(per 1000people,1992)8.0%
Literacy rate(1989)88%(male 93%,female 83%)
Official languagesVietnamese
ReligionsBuddhism,Christianity,Taoist,Roman Catholic,indigenous beliefs,Islam,Protestant
Ethnic divisionsVietnamese 85%-90%, Chinese 3%, Muong, Thai, Meo, Khmer, Man, Cham
CapitalHanoi,920 sq.Km and population:2,099,600
Others cityHo Chi Minh city(Saigon),2089sq.Km, population:4,180,000 and Haiphong city,1500sq.Km, population: 1,500,000
The founding of a nationSeptember,1945
Entry into UNSeptember,1977
GNP(billion US dollars11.997
per capita GNP(US dollars)170
GDP(billion US dollars)9.410
per capita GDP(US dollars)138
Foreign-exchange reserves(million US dollars,1993)
Growth rate(1993)6.0%
Export(million US dollars,1993)2914
Import(million US dollars,1993)2424
LatitudeN 8`30' to N 23`22'
LongitudeE 100`30' to E 102`10'
stretches1650 Km from North to South
ClimateHumid tropical climate
Average temperature20c to 27c
Storm season
from Aug. to Nov.7 to 10 storms and low tropical pressures a year