General Information
The Governmetn Information Office, R.O.C- Your Information Windows To The World !!
Taiwan Map
Taiwan Business Travel-Shopping- There is a detail map of taiwan.map only.
The Government Information Office R.O.C.[French, Spanish, BIG5, GB, German, Japanese, English]- There are a lot of general informations of taiwan.
Kuomintang Party [English]- Chinese,The kuomintang party's page in America
Democratic Proghttp://www.dpp.org/english/dpp.htmlressive Party [English]- Chinese,Democratic progressive party in taiwan .
Taiwan - WWW sites [English]- There is a lot of general informations of Taiwan
Taiwan Research Institute [English]- non-profit, privately-funded policy research organization that supports studies on international and domestic economic and political issues of concern to the Republic of China on Taiwan.
Taiwan Research Institute [English]- non-profit, privately-funded policy research organization that supports studies on international and domestic economic and political issues of concern to the Republic of China on Taiwan.
Sun Splendor Co. Ltd.[Chinese]- The first Taiwannese real-estate developer on the internet.
Industrial Technology Research Institute [English]- Chinese,It is a non-profit R&D organization engaged in applied research and technical service.
Synchrotron Radiation Reseach Center [English]- Chinese,The Synchrotron Radiation Research Center(SRRC) is the nation's largest facility dedicated solely to the production og Synchrotron radiation.
Central Weather Branch [English]- Chinese, General Weather Forecasts, Earthquake Reports, Satellite Images, etc.....
Department of Health - Taiwan HealthNet [English]- Chinese,official health information in taiwan
TURC - 96.7 Hsinchu - Music, culture and information around Hsinchu and TaoYuan. Counties in northen Taiwan. Latest news on the Science-Based Industrial Park.
Taiwanese Law - ,many taiwanese legal resources.
Taiwan [asianet.com] [English]- facts and links to the country.you can get a lot of detail data of taiwan.
Home shopping/Lifestyles [English]- 台湾のショッピング情報をはじめ、アジア各地のショッピング情報が盛りだくさん!
Vivid Internet Production-Shoping [English]- 台北などの大都市でのショッピング情報がよく分かる。
Universal Joint- (Chinese台湾が世界に向けた製品、サービスのことならお任せあれ,
Taiwan Business Travel-Shopping [English]- 台北市のあらゆる情報が満載。ビジネスマンは必読
Home Shopping/Lifestyles(Thailand) [English]- ありとあらゆるジャンルについての細かい情報が網羅されている。載せられていない情報を探す方が難しいかも
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