The Republic of Singapore consists of Island of Singapore which is
located on the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula and about 54 small
islands. One of the most inportant sea route of the world, the Strait
of Malacca, is part of Singapore. The land is flat. It is very near to
the equator, but thanks to the oceanic climate, Singapore is a very
pleasant place to live. Singapore had prospered from ancient times due
to its strategic importance for sea trade. British man, Stanford
Ruffels?, began to build a city in 1819. It became a British colony in
1867 and prospered as a free-port and important port for the
East-West trade. Japan occupied Singapore during WWII. After WWII it
returned to British control. Singapore joined the Federation of
Malaysia in 1963. However, as the struggle between majority Malayisan
and Singapore's Chinese began, Singapore became an independent country
in 1965. Since then, Singapore became a major economic power as a
major base for international trade and international finance. It is
also famous (infamous?) for its ruthless control of its
citzens. Therefore, it is called "The state of fine."
National anthemMajullah Singapura
Offical nameThe Republic of Singapore
Orgins of the countryThe city of Singapura(Lion city) which is built by Malaysian in 13th century.
Form of governmentRepulic/Unicameral
Area (1000 square km)0.641
Population (thousands)2930
Populatin density (people/1 square km)4553 (1991)
Average life span (male/female)72/77 (1992)
Birth rate (per 1000people)17.8 (1992)>
Death rate (per 1000people)5.2 (1992)
Literacy rate90.7% (1990)
Ethnic divisionsChinese(76%), Malayisan(15%), Indian(7%)
Offical languagesEnglish, Chinese, Malay, Tamil
ReligionsBuddhism, Islam, Hindu, Christianity
Independece August 1965
Entry into UNSeptember 1965
GNP (billion US dollars) 554
Per capita GNP (US dollars, 1993)19310
GDP (million US dollars, 1993)5508
Per capita GDP (US dollars, 1993)19194
Foreign-exchange reserves (million US dollars, 1993)9252
Growth rate10.1%
Export (million US dollars, 1994)96749
Import (million US dollars, 1994)102590
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