National anthemNegara-ku
Official nameMalaysia
Orgins of the country
Form of governmentConstitiutional Monarchy/Bicameral Parliament(Parlimen)
Area(1000 spuare km)330
Population density(people/1 spuare km,1993)58
Average life span(male/female)69/73
Birth rate(per 1000people,1990-95)28.7%
Death rate(per 1000people,1995)5.56%
Literacy rate(1990)78.4%(male 86%,female 70%)
Official languagesMalay
Ethnic divisionsMalay and other indigenous 59%, Chinese 32%, Indian 9%
CapitalKuala Lumpur
The founding of a nation
Entry into UNAugust,1957
GNP(billion US dollars)60.061
per capita GNP(US dollars)3160
GDP(billion US dollars)64.433
per capita GDP(US dollars)3382
Foreign-exchange reserves(million US dollars,1993)27365
Growth rate(1993)8.0%
Export(million US dollars,1993)47122
Import(million US dollars,1993)45657